volcanic breccia

  • 火山角砾岩
volcanic brecciavolcanic breccia
  1. Volcanic breccia is highly water-saturated due to its fine pore geometry and poor physical properties ;


  2. Thick metasandstone and a lot of volcanic breccia and agglomerate in section indicate a shallow marine setting .


  3. Pyroclastic rocks are mainly composed of volcanic breccia and tuff .


  4. Sedimentary pyroclastic rocks are mainly sedimentary tuff and sedimentary volcanic breccia .


  5. Jiuduigou Au deposit is controled by volcanic breccia body and compressional faults .


  6. The thrid part are tuff , ferruginous dolomite , crystal tuff and volcanic breccia .


  7. The carbonated tree in volcanic breccia has been studied through high resolution transmission electronic microscopy ( HRTEM ), X-ray powder diffraction and laser Raman spectroscopy .


  8. There are three genetic types of mineralized breccia related to porphyry deposits in China , i. e. explosive , intrusive and volcanic breccia .


  9. Elevation and translation between high pressure mafic granulite and eclogite : research into xenoliths from ultramafic volcanic breccia pipe , xinyang , Henan province , China


  10. This investigation also finds that different lithology have different physical properties and the slaggy basalt , the amygdaline basalt and the volcanic breccia have the best physical properties .


  11. The rock mass of the right bank slope in dam area generally are metamorphosed volcanic breccia with metamorphic tuff ( T3xd ) and slate ( J2h ) which consisted the geological structure of transverse wide-angle inclined slope .


  12. A great mumber of melt inclusions are there in the quartz phenocrysts . The ore bodies of Emei pyrophyllite are located in rhyolitic crys-tal fragment tuff , ignimbrite and volcanic breccia ( agglomerate ) - bearing tuff .


  13. This paper gives an uranium deposit example which relates directly to volcanic intrusion dormant explosion breccia in origin .


  14. The ore bodies are controlled by volcanic domes , explosion breccia pipes and faults striking northwest and northeast .


  15. These deposits were , when being formed , controlled by volcanic structures ( volcanic dome and volcanic breccia pipe ), fault structures ( NE and NW trending ), gabbro porphyrite body and depression in depression .


  16. Most of the Carboniferous volcanic reservoir is volcanic rock reservoir . The volcanic breccia is better than others , as well as as well as in the outbreak phase than others phases . Reservoir space belongs to dual structure porosity what are the cracks and the pore .


  17. The analysis of volcanic petrology indicates that the volcanic lithofacies can be divided into volcanic breccia , lava , ash and sedimentary ones .


  18. Epimetamorphic rock series distributed in the south of the Dabie Orogenic Belt are a sequence of volcanic clastic rock series , mainly composed of silty phyllite , laminated siliceous slate , meta volcanic breccia and leptite .


  19. The deposit is located on the intersection of volcanic framework annular fault structure and region north and west fault structure , the ore body is limited in the volcanic intrusive space , and fixed in volcanic earthquake or volcanic breccia zone of hidden explosives .
